Marlene Jensen

Marlene Jensen
Ph.D. Student

Department of Plant & Microbial Biology
4510C Thomas Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695

Lab Phone: 919.515.3882

Marlene joined the Kleiner lab in spring 2019 as a research scholar from Germany. She was involved in several collaborative projects to investigate the role of bacterial endosymbionts in marine invertebrates. She also conducted her Bachelor project on the “Evaluation of preservation methods as a field-compatible preservation method for metaproteomic analyses of bacteria-animal symbioses” in the Kleiner lab. Back in Germany, she finished her Bachelor’s degree at the Hochschule Bremen, Germany, and returned to the Kleiner lab in spring 2020 to pursue her PhD. Marlene investigates the potential impact of microbial induced carbonate precipitation in fossil preservation.


  1. Jensen, M., Wippler, J., Kleiner, M. (2021). Evaluation of RNAlater as a field-compatible preservation method for metaproteomic analyses of bacterium-animal symbioses. Microbiology Spectrum 9:e01429-21.
  2. Van Den Bossche, T., B. J. Kunath, K. Schallert, S. S. Schäpe, P. E. Abraham, J. Armengaud, M. Ø. Arntzen, A. Bassignani, D. Benndorf, S. Fuchs, R. J. Giannone, T. J. Griffin, L. H. Hagen, R. Halder, C. Henry, R. L. Hettich, R. Heyer, P. Jagtap, N. Jehmlich, M. Jensen, C. Juste, M. Kleiner, O. Langella, T. Lehmann, E. Leith, P. May, B. Mesuere, G. Miotello, S. L. Peters, O. Pible, U. Reichl, B. Y. Renard, H. Schiebenhoefer, A. Scryba, A. Tanca, K. Trappe, J.-P. Trezzi, S. Uzzau, P. Verschaffelt, M. von Bergen, P. Wilmes, M. Wolf, L. Martens and T. Muth (2021). Critical Assessment of Metaproteome Investigation (CAMPI): A Multi-Lab Comparison of Established Workflows. Nat Commun 12, 7305 (2021).
  3. Kleiner, M., Kouris, A., Jensen, M. Liu, Y., McCalder, J., Strous, M. – Ultra-sensitive Protein-SIP to  quantify activity and substrate uptake in microbiomes with stable isotopes. BioRxiv.